Exception %1!s!, %2!s! occurred when the server tried to reset connection %3!s!. Because the server cannot recover from the failure to reset the connection, the connection has been dropped. Please contact Microsoft technical support.
Exceeded the number of trace sessions that can enable the ETW provider. Disable the provider for some sessions and try again. ...
Excel Rendering Extension: Number of columns exceeds the maximum possible columns per sheet in this format; Columns Requested: ...
Excel Rendering Extension: Number of rows exceeds the maximum possible rows per sheet in this format; Rows Requested: {0}, ...
ExcelRenderingExtension: Value of cell at row {0}, column {1} exceeds the maximum length for a string of 32767 characters. ...
Exception %1!s!, %2!s! occurred when the server tried to reset connection %3!s!. Because the server cannot recover from the ...
Exception encountered while evaluating policy '{0}'. Cannot log exception details because exception serialization failed. ...
Exception happened when calling cryptographic provider '%1!s!' in the API '%2!s!'. SQL Server is terminating process %3!s!. ...
Exception happened when running extended stored procedure '%1!s!' in the library '%2!s!'. SQL Server is terminating process ...
Exception occurred in destructor of RowsetNewSS 1!s!. This error may indicate a problem related to releasing pre-allocated ...