To display the database and records for a partial or complete list of specified owner servers. Syntax: show database Servers=]{IP ...

To display the database and records for a partial or complete list of  specified owner servers.    Syntax:            show database [Servers=]{IP addresses}  [[RecType=]0|1|2]            [Count=]Count] [[Start=]0|1] [[EndChar=]16th character(hex)]           [[File=]FileName]    Parameters:            Servers        - A list of the IP addresses of owner servers                           whose records are to be displayed, separated                           by commas and enclosed in {brackets}.             RecType        - Type of record: 0-both (default), 1-static,                            or 2-dynamic.            Count          - Number of records of specified RecType wanted.            Start          - 0-Start from the beginning of the database.                           1-Start from the end of the database.            EndChar        - The 16th character of the records should                           match the endchar (filter).             File           - Name of the file in which formatted output is                           stored.     Note:          If Servers={}, all records are displayed for all owner                 servers.     Example:       show database servers={} rectype=2 count=1000                 start=0 endchar=0 file=C:\WINSfiles\output.txt                   This command outputs the first 1000 dynamic records in                 the WINS database for the server to the text                 file output.txt.