Any changes made to this copy cannot be updated on the workspace until the other file is closed. To update the workspace copy with the changes to this file, close both files and open this copy of the file first.
Another user has modified the contents of this table or view; the database row you are modifying no longer exists in the ...
Another user is editing this page and has made changes which conflict with yours. It is recommended that you stop modifying ...
Any actual costs that have been manually entered will be removed so that Project can calculate all actual cost values.}To ...
Any changes made to this copy cannot be updated on the server until the other file is closed. To update the server copy with ...
Any changes made to this copy cannot be updated on the workspace until the other file is closed. To update the workspace ...
Any changes that have been made to the fields in this form since it was last published will be lost. Do you want to continue? ...
Any changes to the SQL query of this operation made outside of SharePoint Designer, including unsupported filter types, will ...
Any data changes made while your application was disconnected from the server will be discarded when the database is closed. ...
Any data that you do not include in the cube file will not be available to the PivotTable until you reconnect to the server. ...