To protect data definition language (DDL) statements that may contain passwords and other sensitive information, set the package protection level to EncryptAllWithUserKey or EncryptAllWithPassword.
To perform cross-validation, select parameters, and then click Get Results. Cross-validation might take some time to complete, ...
To perform data validation, the exchange type for the synchronization must allow both upload and download phases. Restart ...
To preserve existing relationships, each of the following columns will have one or more of its properties (Data type, Length, ...
To prevent any potential data loss issues, you should review this script in detail before running it outside the context ...
To protect data definition language (DDL) statements that may contain passwords and other sensitive information, set the ...
To quit SQL Server Setup, click Yes. If you quit the Setup operation, you must remove SQL Server 2008 before you run Setup ...
To register a mirrored database in the monitor, select the principal or mirror server instance, and then set the Register ...
To rename the database, in Solution Explorer, right-click the project, and then click Properties. In the Property Pages dialog ...
To restore the encryption key, click the Restore button. You must know the password that was used to protect the encryption ...