Select an interval for the aging period line. Select the ledger period when the interval is the length of the period that ...

Select an interval for the aging period line. Select the ledger period when the interval is the length of the period that is defined for the fiscal calendar that is selected in the Ledger page. Select Day when the interval is one day long. Select Week when the interval is one week long. For a positive quantity, the interval is the number of days elapsed in the current week before today. For a negative quantity, the interval is the number of days remaining in the current week after today. The week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. Select Month when th interval is one month long. For a positive quantity, the interval is the number of days elapsed in the current month before today. For a negative quantity, the interval is the number of days remaining in the current month after today.Select Quarter when the interval is one quarter (three months) long. Select Years when the interval is one year (12 months) long. Select Unlimited for a positive quantity, the interval includes all days after the end of the previous aging period until the ending date. For example, if the previous aging period was 90 days, the unlimited interval includes dates 91 days past due until the ending date. The ending date is the last day of the last fiscal year that is created in the Fiscal calendars page, for the fiscal calendar that is used with the transaction. For a negative quantity, the interval includes all days from a blank starting date until the day before the following aging period.
English (United States)