%{name}" can't be deleted because it contains search topics. Assign the search topics to another category or delete them in the search topic list before you delete the category.
Name of company-receiver\ Name of purchased good, work or service.\ Name, number and date of confirmed disbursement voucher. ...
Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the account owner in order to provide ...
Name of the database server instance on which to deploy the channel message database for Async Client. Leave blank for the ...
Name register of the cross-reference. Shows names of all types, methods and variable, and also indexes, labels and feature ...
name}" can't be deleted because it contains search topics. Assign the search topics to another category or delete them in ...
NAS could not start on tenant: '{0}' because the NASServicesStartupCodeunit entry is empty in the CustomSettings.config file. ...
National Tax Act. Appended Table No.16(6) Detailed Statement about calculating depreciation amount of the deferred Assets ...
Navigation Setting: A setting page or group of pages available for configuration within an app. A record representing a group ...
Neg = {Ordered quantity (purch/sales) - Quantity (purch/sales)} or Pos = {Quantity (purch/sales) - Ordered quantity (purch/sales)}. ...