MaxSize is not defined for this store. An operation was performed that requires access to MaxSize. Stores obtained using enumeration APIs do not have a well-defined MaxSize, since partial evidence is used to open the store.
Maximum value '{0}' for Scale facet must be less than or equal to the maximum value '{1}' for Precision Facet in '{2}' type. ...
maxNumberOfServerInstances must either be a value between 1 and 254, or NamedPipeServerStream.MaxAllowedServerInstances (to ...
MaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpoint quota ({0}) has been reached, so connection was closed and not stored in this connection ...
MaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpoint quota ({0}) has been reached, so the connection was closed and not reused by the listener. ...
MaxSize is not defined for this store. An operation was performed that requires access to MaxSize. Stores obtained using ...
MC1001: The LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile property value is not valid and must be changed to None, CommentsOnly, or All ...
MC3001: TypeConverter syntax error encountered while processing initialization string '{0}'. Property elements are not allowed ...
MC3010: '{0}' Name property value is not valid. Name must start with a letter or an underscore and can contain only letters, ...
MC3014: The object being added to an array property is not a valid type. The array is of type '{0}' but the object being ...