There were compilation errors during the conversion or enabling of this database.@The database has not been saved in a compiled state. The performance of this database will be impaired because |9 will need to recompile the database for each session. For information on improving performance, click Help.@@2@1@11705@1
There was an unexpected error during field recognition. To fix this problem, import the document again with the "form layout ...
There was an unexpected error in date/time calculations. Please ensure that the date you've selected for your presentation ...
There was an unrecoverable error updating one or more objects from the server. Please re-sync your application and resolve ...
There was no response from the server, and the workflow may not have started. When server connectivity is restored, you can ...
There were compilation errors during the conversion or enabling of this database.@The database has not been saved in a compiled ...
There were compilation errors during the conversion or enabling of this database.@This might be due to old DAO syntax that ...
There were e-mail messages on the mail server that cannot be downloaded. Contact your Internet service provider (ISP) or ...
There were errors copying to this location. Ensure that the location exists, that you have write permissions to it and that ...
There were errors copying to this location. The destination is in a Meeting Workspace, which does not support this action. ...