The person will use this name to sign in. For most users, it will also be their email address. Each user must have a unique user name. Names can include letters from the basic Latin alphabet, numbers, periods, and hyphens. It's best to have names that are easy for people to remember. For small organizations, we recommend using just a first name, a first name and last initial, or a first initial and last name.
The path of the shared folder that contains the %BRAND_OFFICE_SHORT% Deployment Tool, your configuration.xml file, and the ...
The PDFMaker add-in that you have installed can cause problems with Outlook. Click on the link 'get help fixing this issue' ...
The people in first release will lose access to any features or updates that aren't available yet for standard release. If ...
The percentage of total time during which the hosted service is available to the customer to search and retrieve customer ...
The person will use this name to sign in. For most users, it will also be their email address. Each user must have a unique ...
The personal data file (PST) that you're using with Outlook is huge. Your data file '{0}' is too large ('{1}'). This could ...
The phone number you entered isn\'t valid. A valid phone number includes only digits, hyphens, and parentheses. Please enter ...
The photo can\'t be attached because its size will increase the message size over the limit of {0} MB. Please try attaching ...
The physical disk '{0}' on server '{1}' is reporting error {2}. You should investigate the health of this disk. Click on ...