sqlps [ [ [-NoLogo] [-NoExit] [-NoProfile] [-OutputFormat {Text | XML}] [-InputFormat {Text | XML}] ] [-Command { - |[ ] | [ -args ] } ] ] [ -Help | -?] -NoLogo Do not display the copyright banner on startup. -NoExit Keep running after completing all startup commands. -NoProfile Do not load a user profile. -OutputFormat Format the output of all objects as either text strings (Text) or in a serialized CLIXML format (XML). -InputFormat The input from stdin is formatted as either text strings (Text) or in a serialized CLIXML format (XML). -Command sqlps runs the commands specified and then exits, unless -NoExit is also specified. Do not specify other characters after the -Command switch, they will be read as command arguments. - Read input commands from the keyboard by using stdin. [ ] Specifies a string containing the PowerShell commands to be run. use the format "{ }". The quotation marks identify a string and the invocation operator (&) causes sqlps to run the command. [ -args ] Specifies a block of PowerShell commands to be run. Use the format { }. -Help | -? Show the syntax summary help.
SqlHierarchyId.Parse failed because the input string '{0}' is not a valid string representation of a SqlHierarchyId node. ...
Sqllib error: Database %1 of SQL Server instance %2 is stored on multiple volumes, only some of which are being shadowed. ...
SQLOLEDB command object unavailable. Please provide a command object or switch the connection method to use a connection ...
SQLOLEDB is no longer a supported provider. Please use SQL Native Client (SQLNCLI) to connect to SQL Server using linked ...
sqlps -NoLogo -NoExit -NoProfile -OutputFormat {Text | XML} -InputFormat {Text | XML} -Command { - | | -args } -Help | -? ...
sqlQuery - String that contains query to be executed. returnType - Specifies the return type of data returned by the SQL ...
sqlQuery - String that represents the query to be run. returnType - Specifies the return type of data that is returned by ...
SQLQueryMode' must be set to 'DataKeys' in order to support Tabular Query SQL syntax when using Analysis Services in VertiPaq ...
SQLSQM.EXE cannot be launched. This can either be caused if the required information in the registry is missing or corrupted ...