Invalid definition for element or attribute '%1!s!'. Value constraints on components of type QName are not supported in this release.
Invalid compensation range: begin {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}, end {%4!s!:%5!s!:%6!s!}. Reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. ...
Invalid component named '%1!s!' found in global scope. Only elements, attributes, types and groups can be defined in global ...
Invalid data type for column "%1!s!". The data type cannot be text, ntext, image, binary, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), ...
Invalid definition for element '%1!s!'. SQL Server does not currently permit additions to existing substitution groups via ...
Invalid definition for element or attribute '%1!s!'. Value constraints on components of type QName are not supported in this ...
Invalid definition for type '%1!s!'. An 'all' group may not appear as the child or parent of any other model group, it must ...
Invalid definition for type '%1!s!'. Cannot specify use="prohibited" for attribute '%2!s!' because there is no corresponding ...
Invalid definition for type or element '%1!s!'. SQL Server does not permit the built-in XML Schema types 'ID' and 'IDREF' ...
Invalid device name. The length of the device name provided exceeds supported limit (maximum length is:%1!s!). Reissue the ...