!known_ys,known_xs,new_xs,const!!Returns numbers in a linear trend matching known data points, using the least squares method!is a range or array of y-values you already know in the relationship y = mx + b!is an optional range or array of x-values that you know in the relationship y = mx + b, an array the same size as Known_y's!is a range or array of new x-values for which you want TREND to return corresponding y-values!is a logical value: the constant b is calculated normally if Const = TRUE or omitted; b is set equal to 0 if Const = FALSE!
known_ys,known_xs!Returns the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient through the given data points!is ...
known_ys,known_xs!Returns the standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in a regression!is an array or range of ...
known_ys,known_xs,const,stats!Returns statistics that describe a linear trend matching known data points, by fitting a straight ...
known_ys,known_xs,const,stats!Returns statistics that describe an exponential curve matching known data points!is the set ...
known_ys,known_xs,new_xs,const!Returns numbers in a linear trend matching known data points, using the least squares method!is ...
known_ys,known_xs,new_xs,const!Returns numbers in an exponential growth trend matching known data points!is the set of y-values ...
Limits the number of integer solutions found by the Branch & Bound algorithm, or the Evolutionary engine, before Solver pauses ...
Limits the number of subproblems explored by the Branch & Bound algorithm, or the Evolutionary engine, before Solver pauses ...
Limits the time taken by the solution process by limiting the number of interim calculations. While you can enter a value ...