Please wait while the tool checks whether the DNS servers used by server {2} can return valid records for the destination servers.
Please wait while the tool checks the health of all Hub Transport server role computers in the same Active Directory site ...
Please wait while the tool checks the health of server {2}. This includes verification that necessary services are in a proper ...
Please wait while the tool checks the status of Categorizer on server {2}. This process may take a minute or so as it attempts ...
Please wait while the tool checks the status of the Submission queue on server {2}. This process may take a minute or so ...
Please wait while the tool checks whether the DNS servers used by server {2} can return valid records for the destination ...
Please wait while the tool checks whether the DNS servers used by server {2} can return valid records for the servers representing ...
Please wait while the tool checks whether there are any potential configuration issues with the destination SMTP instances ...
Please wait while the tool checks whether there are distribution group expansion problems at server {2}. This may take a ...
Please wait while the tool checks whether there are known events in the event logs on server {2} that are related to 'Local ...