This workbook contains features that are not supported by the file format that you selected.To avoid the possible loss of formatting or information, be sure to save a copy in the most recent Microsoft Excel Workbook format.
This workbook contains defined names that conflict with valid cell references. To correct this issue, underscores (_) have ...
This workbook contains Excel 4.0 macros or Excel 5.0 modules. If you would like to password protect or restrict permission ...
This workbook contains external data. Do you want Microsoft Excel to clear the data before saving the template, and then ...
This workbook contains features that are not supported by the file format that you selected. To avoid the possible loss of ...
This workbook contains features that are not supported by the file format that you selected. To avoid the possible loss of ...
This workbook contains formatted data from Analysis Services. The values of this data will be displayed in earlier versions ...
This workbook contains macros recorded or written in Visual Basic. Macros cannot be viewed or edited in shared workbooks. ...
This workbook contains more than 15 user defined function categories. Earlier versions of Excel can only have 15 user defined ...
This workbook contains more unique cell formats than are supported by the selected file format. Some cell formats will not ...