Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command. START ["title"] [/D path] [/I] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/SEPARATE | /SHARED] [/LOW | /NORMAL | /HIGH | /REALTIME | /ABOVENORMAL | /BELOWNORMAL] [/AFFINITY] [/WAIT] [/B] [command/program] [parameters] "title" Title to display in window title bar. path Starting directory. B Start application without creating a new window. The application has ^C handling ignored. Unless the application enables ^C processing, ^Break is the only way to interrupt the application. I The new environment will be the original environment passed to the cmd.exe and not the current environment. MIN Start window minimized. MAX Start window maximized. SEPARATE Start 16-bit Windows program in separate memory space. SHARED Start 16-bit Windows program in shared memory space. LOW Start application in the IDLE priority class. NORMAL Start application in the NORMAL priority class. HIGH Start application in the HIGH priority class. REALTIME Start application in the REALTIME priority class. ABOVENORMAL Start application in the ABOVENORMAL priority class. BELOWNORMAL Start application in the BELOWNORMAL priority class. AFFINITY The new application will have the specified processor affinity mask, expressed as a hexadecimal number. WAIT Start application and wait for it to terminate. command/program If it is an internal cmd command or a batch file then the command processor is run with the /K switch to cmd.exe. This means that the window will remain after the command has been run. If it is not an internal cmd command or batch file then it is a program and will run as either a windowed application or a console application. parameters These are the parameters passed to the command/program. NOTE: The SEPARATE and SHARED options are not supported on 64-bit platforms.
Starting with Microsoft Windows Vista, the Resultant Set of Policies (RSoP) report does not show all Microsoft Group Policy ...
StartMode is a string value indicating whether the service is automatically started by a operating system, or only started ...
StartMode is a string value indicating whether the Service is automatically started by a System, Operating System, etc. or ...
Starts a new instance of the Windows command interpreter CMD /A | /U /Q /D /E:ON | /E:OFF /F:ON | /F:OFF /V:ON | /V:OFF /S ...
Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command. START "title" /D path /I /MIN /MAX /SEPARATE | /SHARED /LOW ...
Starts all Internet services. To start individual Internet services, use the Computer Management application in the Microsoft ...
Starts event notification for asynchronously reading messages in the specified queue, firing an MSMQEvent_Arrived event when ...
Starts replication of a replicated folder on this cluster node. The use of this method is reserved exclusively for use by ...
Starts the specified application pool, allowing new worker processes running the applications in this application pool to ...