An address could not bind to a socket. Make sure the TCP/IP stack is installed And running properly. This event might mean ...

An address could not bind to a socket. Make sure the TCP/IP stack is installed   And running properly.    This event might mean that the 'nameserver' port (specified in the services   file) which is used as the default by WINS for replication and discovering   other WINSs has been taken by another process or service running on this   computer. You have two options - either bring down that other process or service  or direct WINS to use another port. If you choose the second option, set the   value 'PortNo' (REG_DWORD) under the Wins\Parameters subkey in the registry   to 1512.     NOTE: Changing the port number this way will prevent this WINS from   replicating or discovering other WINSs unless they too are directed   to use the same port number as this WINS.
English (United States)