You cannot use the -IgnoreNetwork and -StaticAddress parameters for a failover cluster that was created without an administrative access point. To specify these parameters, the administrative access point for the cluster should be of type 'Dns' or 'ActiveDirectoryAndDns'.
You cannot uninstall language %1 because the language is the parent language of language %2. Please uninstall the dependent ...
You cannot uninstall the device while it has a property sheet attached to it. Choosing OK will bring the property sheet to ...
You cannot upload folders by using Remote Web Access. To upload files that are in a folder, open the folder, select the files, ...
You cannot use Failover Cluster Manager to manage a cluster that was created without an administrative access point. You ...
You cannot use the -IgnoreNetwork and -StaticAddress parameters for a failover cluster that was created without an administrative ...
You cannot use the certificate that you selected to enroll with the Microsoft Federation Gateway. Select another certificate. ...
You cannot use the Fax Service Manager to manage this version of Fax. You must install a later version of the Fax application. ...
You cannot use the {0} version of Windows Server Migration Tools on a computer that is running an operating system for {1} ...
You cannot use this device when another video application, such as DVD, video conferencing, video editing, TV viewers, or ...