Reminds you to enter summary information - such as title, subject, author, keywords, and comments - for each new workbook as you save.
reference!Returns the number of sheets in a reference!is a reference for which you want to know the number of sheets it contains. ...
reference!Returns the row number of a reference!is the cell or a single range of cells for which you want the row number; ...
ref_text,a1!Returns the reference specified by a text string!is a reference to a cell that contains an A1- or R1C1-style ...
register_id,argument1,.!module_text,procedure,type_text,argument1,.!Calls a procedure in a dynamic link library or code resource!is ...
Reminds you to enter summary information - such as title, subject, author, keywords, and comments - for each new workbook ...
Removes offline workbooks from your device the next time you quit and restart Excel. Workbooks on the server are not affected. ...
Removes personal information that Excel typically displays in comments and on the Summary tab of the Properties dialog box, ...
Removing connection(s) will separate this workbook from its data source(s), and data refresh operations in the workbook will ...
Results of formulas may be out of date because Excel is not set to calculate automatically. Click here or press F9 to recalculate ...