Repadmin can't connect to a "home server", because of the following error. Try specifying a different home server with /homeserver:[dns name]
Renamed Mailbox (MR) Renamed mailbox (MR) record. Specifies a domain mailbox name, which is the proper rename of an existing ...
Renames a file or files. RENAME drive:][path]filename1 filename2. REN drive:][path]filename1 filename2. Note that you cannot ...
Renames the Terminal. The function takes one parameter, the New Terminalname. The call returns zero on success and an error ...
Renewing a certificate with the %1 Certificate Template failed because the renewal overlap period is longer than the certificate ...
Repadmin can't connect to a "home server", because of the following error. Try specifying a different home server with /homeserver:[dns ...
Repadmin can't locate a "home server" or determine our domain because of the following error. Try specifying specific "home ...
Repadmin encountered a failure while trying to rebuild the partition %1. Please use the /rehost command to manually rehost ...
Repadmin experienced the following error trying to resolve the DSA_NAME: %1 If you are trying to connect to an AD LDS instance, ...
Repair cannot proceed because some of the required files are in use. You must restart Windows and rerun Repair. Do you want ...