TF400592: The action you requested requires {0} {1} or later. You have version {2} installed. For more information, see the following page on the Microsoft website: {3}.
TF400588: This element defines the states for feedback response work items. Each state must exist in at least one of the ...
TF400589: This element defines the states for feedback response work items. All of the following state types must be present ...
TF400590: This element defines the states for work items that appear when providing or responding to feedback. Each state ...
TF400591: An error occurred while attempting to insert a shape from the clipboard. Restart PowerPoint and try again. If you're ...
TF400592: The action you requested requires {0} {1} or later. You have version {2} installed. For more information, see the ...
TF400593: Cannot open the document because {0} {1} or later, or one of its components is not installed. For more information, ...
TF400594: An error occurred while resizing one or more storyboard shapes. This error can be caused by performing multiple ...
TF400595: Cannot import storyboard shapes file, "{0}", because its category, "{1}", was loaded from file "{2}" and cannot ...
TF400596: Cannot find email addresses for the following recipient(s): '{0}'. Type the email addresses and then click Send. ...