SQL Server could not change the password used by this Publisher to connect to the Distributor. Do you want to continue saving changes to the Publisher?
SQL Server Compact Server Tools were not found on the IIS Server. Run the SQL Server Compact Server Tools installer (default ...
SQL Server Compact Server Tools were not found on the local computer. Do you want to install the SQL Server Compact Server ...
SQL Server Configuration Manager provides basic configuration management for SQL Server services, server protocols, client ...
SQL Server Configuration Manager will need to stop and restart the SQL Server service to save any changes to AlwaysOn High ...
SQL Server could not change the password used by this Publisher to connect to the Distributor. Do you want to continue saving ...
SQL Server could not change the properties of article '{0}' based on object '{1}'. Do you want to continue saving other changes ...
SQL Server could not connect to the Distributor, '{0}'. Do you want to disable publishing on '{1}' without removing entries ...
SQL Server could not create article '{0}' based on object '{1}'. Do you want to continue saving other changes to the publication? ...
SQL Server could not listen on IP address %1!s! because the cluster resource '%2!s!' is not online (state = %3!s!). This ...