You can search for items or files and move them to different folders. Use the Advanced Find dialog box (Tools menu) to search for the items, and then move them from the search results window.
You can find types of items to delete or move, empty the deleted items folder, or you can have Outlook transfer items to ...
You can limit the size of messages that are downloaded to your Inbox if you want to minimize connect time. Outlook will create ...
You can receive notifications when all messages you send are delivered or read. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then ...
You can scan the file %s, but you do not have sufficient network rights to repair it. Do you want to scan the file anyway? ...
You can search for items or files and move them to different folders. Use the Advanced Find dialog box (Tools menu) to search ...
You can see details about the view you are using such as what fields are in place and if it is filtered or sorted. Right-click ...
You can start Outlook in a folder other than Inbox. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Other tab. Click ...
You can type a contact's full name with the last name before the first name if you separate them with a comma. Try this when ...
You can use the arrow keys to move from one card to another in Contacts. Press HOME to move to the first card. Press END ...