You cannot set, change, or remove password protection for this section because it is stored in a remote location that is currently unavailable.
You cannot set the GroupInterval property to 0 when the GroupOn property is set to Interval.@Click the Sorting and Grouping ...
You cannot set this Enterprise Resource Outline Code value.}You already have the maximum number of values on the corresponding ...
You cannot set up a collecting data using e-mail task, because your database has reached its maximum size limit. Free some ...
You cannot set, change, or remove password protection for this section because it has not been completely synchronized. Ensure ...
You cannot set, change, or remove password protection for this section because it is stored in a remote location that is ...
You cannot show more detail for that selection. The data displayed is the lowest level of detail available in the source ...
You cannot sign in to your SharePoint Workspace account %1 because your Windows logon password changed, and the "Account ...
You cannot sign this document because it is already signed for you. You can proceed after removing the signature or you can ...
You cannot skip an occurrence because this is the last occurrence of a recurring task or because the next occurrence of this ...