Designer failed to load correctly. Do not use the designer to work on the document until you fix any errors in the Error List, and then close and reopen the designer. Some errors can be fixed by rebuilding your project, while others might require code changes.
Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Interactions.ProxyOccurrenceSpecificationReferencesOccurrenceSpecification.SourceOccurrenceSpecification ...
Design time expression evaluation for class libraries requires the Visual Studio hosting process which is unavailable in ...
Design view could not parse the page HTML, so the editor will return to Source view. Please verify that there are no validation ...
Designer cannot be activated because the Excel workbook is already open. The workbook might be open in an Excel process running ...
Designer failed to load correctly. Do not use the designer to work on the document until you fix any errors in the Error ...
DesignerActionProviders '{0}' and '{1}' are both attempting to provide the same instance of DesignerActionItem '{2}'. This ...
Destroys a work item or work items. Currently, work items can only be destroyed. Destroying a work item means the work item ...
Destroys a work item type. Currently, work item types can only be destroyed. Destroying a work item type means that work ...
Destroys, or permanently deletes, version-controlled items from Team Foundation version control. tf destroy /keephistory ...