The MetadataResolver cannot recieve an empty contracts argument to the Resolve or BeginResolve methods. You must supply at least one ContractDescription.
The MetadataExchangeClient can only get metadata from http and https MetadataLocations. It cannot get metadata from '{0}'. ...
The MetadataExchangeClient can only get metadata from http or https addresses when using MetadataExchangeClientMode HttpGet. ...
The MetadataExchangeClient instance could not be initialized because no Binding is available for scheme '{0}'. You can supply ...
The MetadataExchangeClient was not supplied with a MetadataReference or MetadataLocation from which to get metadata. You ...
The MetadataResolver cannot recieve an empty contracts argument to the Resolve or BeginResolve methods. You must supply at ...
The method 'First' can only be used as a final query operation. Consider using the method 'FirstOrDefault' in this instance ...
The method 'Skip' is only supported for sorted input in LINQ to Entities. The method 'OrderBy' must be called before the ...
The method '{0}' can be called only if the corresponding RuntimeTransactionHandle object is registered as an execution property. ...
The method '{0}' has a parameter named '{1}' which is the same as the default return value name. Consider using another name ...