Specifies the name or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of a server or server cluster for which the entry point information should be retrieved.
Specifies the name or address (IPv4 or IPv6) of a server or server cluster in the multisite deployment for which global settings ...
Specifies the name or address (IPv4 or IPv6) of a server or server cluster in the multisite deployment from which multisite ...
Specifies the name or address (IPv4 or IPV6) of one of the entry point servers included in the multisite deployment for which ...
Specifies the name or IP address (IPv4 or IPV6) of a server included in the multisite deployment from which an entry point ...
Specifies the name or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of a server or server cluster for which the entry point information should ...
Specifies the name or IP address of the connection broker server. To set this property, the ServerPurpose item must be set ...
Specifies the number of channels that the Ascend NAS adds when bandwidth changes either manually or automatically during ...
Specifies the number of errors that occurred during Ascend-FR-DCE-N393-monitored events, causing the network to render user-originating ...
Specifies the number of errors that occurred during Ascend-FR-DTE-N393-monitored events, causing the user to render the network-originating ...