We couldn't verify your nameserver records. We can usually find them in about a minute, but sometimes it can take several hours before your changes are available on the Internet. Double-check the NS records to make sure everything matches and please retry in about an hour.
We couldn't verify domain '{0}': it no longer exists on your account when we tried to add it as verified. Please close the ...
We couldn't verify your domain It usually takes a few minutes for your new records to propogate, but can take up to 72 hours. ...
We couldn't verify your domain It usually takes a few minutes for your new records to propogate, but can take up to 72 hours. ...
We couldn't verify your domain We didn't see any MX records when we checked. It usually takes a few minutes for your new ...
We couldn't verify your nameserver records. We can usually find them in about a minute, but sometimes it can take several ...
We couldn\'t add a member to the group. Please try again. Note that conference rooms and people outside your organization ...
We couldn\'t add a member to the group. Please try again. Note that conference rooms can\'t be added as members of groups. ...
We couldn\'t add members to the group. Please try again. Note that conference rooms and people outside your organization ...
We couldn\'t add members to the group. Please try again. Note that conference rooms can\'t be added as members of groups. ...