Failed to handle network interface changes. Cause: This can happen if no IP address is configured on the machine. Resolution: Check whether TCP/IP is configured properly. Restart the server. If the problem persists contact Product Support Services.
Failed to find Web Conferencing Server specified by client Over the past %1 minutes Lync Server has disconnected client(s) ...
Failed to get a connection to a domain controller in domain %1 that User Replicator intended to synchronize. This prevents ...
Failed to get a connection to a domain controller in domain %1 that User Replicator intended to synchronize. This prevents ...
Failed to get information from the kernel mode driver. Driver Name: %1 Error code: %2 Cause: Driver is not responding in ...
Failed to handle network interface changes. Cause: This can happen if no IP address is configured on the machine. Resolution: ...
Failed to initialize the API subsystem. Cause: Review earlier events to determine the specific reason APIEM failed to initialize. ...
Failed to initialize the focus adapter. Cause: Failed to initialize focus adapter Resolution: Check previous event log entries ...
Failed to initialize the focus adapter. Message:%1 Stacktrace: %2 Cause: Failed to initialize focus adapter Resolution: Check ...
Failed to initialize the performance monitor counters. Performance counters will not be available. Exception: %1 Cause: Either ...