%11There was a problem connecting to "%1" database.%12 Possible cause: SQL Server problem. Solution: Verify the following: 1. This computer can reach the SQL Server computer. 2. SQL Server services are running. 3. SMS can access the SMS site database. 4. The SMS site database, transaction log, and tempdb are not full. 5. There are at least 50 SQL Server user connections, plus 5 for each SMS Administrator console. After you verify the above, or if the problem persists, check the SQL Server error logs.%0
There is not enough free disk space on the site server to decompress package "%1".%12 Possible cause: At least %2 megabytes ...
There is not enough free disk space on the system drive %c to install the SMS Administrator console. %d MB of free disk space ...
There is not enough free disk space on this computer. %d MB of free disk space are required on an NTFS drive. The NTFS drive ...
There is not enough free disk space to copy package "%1" to "%2".%12 Solution: Verify that "%2" has at least %3 kbytes of ...
There was a problem connecting to "%1" database.%12 Possible cause: SQL Server problem. Solution: Verify the following: 1. ...
There was an error exporting the License Terms contents to the notepad.exe. Make sure you have a valid path to notepad.exe ...
There was an error getting the information about this site's parent from the database. The error returned was "%1".%12%0 ...
There was an error in copying files from the site server to the software metering server "%1" because a required file could ...
There was an error in copying files from the site server to the software metering server "%1" because of a bad path.%12%0 ...