MSB3325: Cannot import the following key file: {0}. The key file may be password protected. To correct this, try to import the certificate again or manually install the certificate to the Strong Name CSP with the following key container name: {1}
MSB3283: Cannot find wrapper assembly for type library "{0}". Verify that (1) the COM component is registered correctly and ...
MSB3288: COM reference "{0}" conflicts with reference "{1}" - the project references different type libraries with the same ...
MSB3291: Could not resolve dependent .NET assembly "{0}". Please make sure this assembly is included in the references section ...
MSB3295: Failed to load an assembly. Please make sure you have disabled strong name verification for your public key if you ...
MSB3325: Cannot import the following key file: {0}. The key file may be password protected. To correct this, try to import ...
MSB3326: Cannot import the following key file: {0}. The key file may be password protected. To correct this, try to import ...
MSB3392: Cannot unregister assembly "{0}" - access denied. Please make sure you're running the application as administrator. ...
MSB3411: Could not load the Visual C++ component "{0}". If the component is not installed, either 1) install the Microsoft ...
MSB3413: The "UserEnvironment" parameter is no longer supported by the VCBuild task, and specifying will not affect the vcbuild.exe ...