Failed to perform the operation '%3' because extended replication is enabled for the virtual machine '%1'. Delete the extended replication before performing the operation. (Virtual machine ID %2)
Failed to parse XML. Too many attributes were detected on element '%1'. A maximum of %2!u! attributes are allowed per element. ...
Failed to perform migration on virtual machine '%1' because virtual machine migration limit '%3' was reached, please wait ...
failed to perform the '%3' operation. The collection is currently performing the following operation: '%4'. (Collection ID ...
failed to perform the '%3' operation. The virtual machine is currently performing the following operation: '%4'. (Virtual ...
Failed to perform the operation '%3' because extended replication is enabled for the virtual machine '%1'. Delete the extended ...
failed to perform the operation. The operation cannot be performed for this virtual machine while it is in its current state. ...
failed to perform the operation. The virtual machine is not in a valid replication state to perform the operation. (Virtual ...
failed to perform the operation. The virtual machine is not in a valid state to perform the operation. (Virtual machine ID ...
failed to perform the operation. This virtual machine is not in a valid power state to perform the operation. (Virtual machine ...