The specified name for this object exceeds the maximum length, which is usually 2047 characters. Use a shorter name for the object.
The specified location is not a data connection library. Choose a data connection library on a server running Microsoft SharePoint ...
The specified location is not valid. Enter a valid path to a new or existing Access database that is either on your local ...
The specified location is outside of your domain network and is not an encrypted connection (SSL). Reconnect to your domain ...
The specified name '|1' cannot be set due to one of the following reasons: The specified name is not unique. The specified ...
The specified name for this object exceeds the maximum length, which is usually 2047 characters. Use a shorter name for the ...
The specified name for this object exceeds the maximum length, which is usually 2047 characters. Use a shorter name for the ...
The specified name is already in use, but you do not have permission to overwrite it. A document cannot have the same name ...
The specified name is already in use. A summary task cannot have the same name as another summary task in the current list. ...
The specified name is already in use. The document or folder name was not changed. To change the name to a different value, ...