There needs to be at least %1!u! MB of free space on this partition. Free up space on this partition or select another partition.
There might be a problem with a device or you might need to update your display adapter drivers. The Device Troubleshooter ...
There might be a problem with some files on this device or disc. This can happen if you remove the device or disc before ...
There might be a problem with the driver for the %InterfaceName% adapter Windows couldn't automatically bind the IP protocol ...
There might not be enough space to backup the selected drives. Either remove one or more drives, or go back and choose a ...
There needs to be at least %1!u! MB of free space on this partition. Free up space on this partition or select another partition. ...
There was a critical error during execution of the previous phase. Please try re-running this tool after deleting all files ...
There was a disk failure during the restore. This might be caused by bad sectors on disk. Run chkdsk /R on this disk and ...
There was a problem accessing the log file. Ensure that the log file is not in use and you have Read/Write permission for ...
There was a problem communicating with the Windows Work Folders service. Confirm that this service is running. Error: %1 ...