Cursor scroll locks were invalidated due to a transaction defect. Reissue the UPDATE or DELETE statement after a cursor fetch.
Cursor parameters in a stored procedure must be declared with OUTPUT and VARYING options, and they must be specified in the ...
Cursor plan failed because it is not possible to force the plan for a cursor of type other than FAST_FORWARD or STATIC with ...
Cursor plan forcing failed because in XML plan provided to USE PLAN, required element %1!s! is missing under element. Consider ...
Cursor plan forcing failed because input plan has more than one node with OperationType=%1!s!. Consider using an XML cursor ...
Cursor scroll locks were invalidated due to a transaction defect. Reissue the UPDATE or DELETE statement after a cursor fetch. ...
Custom data type mappings are not supported. You must validate the correctness of the mapping. If mappings are not compatible, ...
Custom rollup formulas, custom member formulas, All member formulas, and custom level formulas are no longer supported as ...
Cyclical forwarding detected for event %1: Event source was '%2' which matches the current forwarding server. The event was ...
Czech, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...