Use /FORCE:UNRESOLVED to create an output file whether or not LINK finds an undefined symbol. /FORCE:UNRESOLVED is ignored if the entry point symbol is unresolved.
Usage: VSIXInstaller.exe /quiet /admin /skuName:name /skuVersion:version - OPTIONS - /quiet Suppresses the UI. Short form ...
Usage: Winres resource file Winres supports resource files with the following extensions: .resx .resources .dll and .exe. ...
Usage: Winres resource file Winres supports resource files with the following extensions: .resx and .resources The command ...
Usage: {0} InputFile OutputFile Description: Convert the test file from a previous format to the current format. If the output ...
Use /FORCE:UNRESOLVED to create an output file whether or not LINK finds an undefined symbol. /FORCE:UNRESOLVED is ignored ...
Use a basic unit test to exercise C++, C#, or Visual Basic source code. Choosing Unit Test also lets you create ASP.NET unit ...
Use a coded UI test to verify the functionality of the user interface of your application (Web/Windows Forms/Windows Presentation ...
Use a database unit test to exercise database objects. You can use a database unit test to test stored procedures, functions, ...
Use a form region that was designed in Outlook. You might need to respond to messages from Outlook while the .ofs file is ...