Specified file does not exist: {0}. Verify the value of MergedSearchConfigurationPath property in CreateAppPackage task.
Source file: %1 Module: %2 Process: %3 The source file is different from when the module was built. Would you like the debugger ...
Source server support in the debugger is not currently enabled. If symbol files that support source server are found, source ...
SP324081: Check that your Internet Explorer security settings will allow JavaScript and cookies. If enabled, please contact ...
Spaces before and after member-access operators (. and ->), pointer-to-member operators (.* and ->*), and scope resolution ...
Specified file does not exist: {0}. Verify the value of MergedSearchConfigurationPath property in CreateAppPackage task. ...
specified without for the culture '{2}', both should be specified. is used to display the item in lists and if left unspecified ...
Specifies a child element whose children will be shown as the children of the current node. Use when you need to generate ...
Specifies a child element whose value is not backed by an expression. The value of the node can be specified using a 'DisplayString' ...
Specifies a list of localized strings that can be referenced by natvis elements. Define localized strings in a satellite ...