The version of Eseutil in DPM does not match the one on the Exchange server being protected. This may cause the consistency ...

The version of Eseutil in DPM does not match the one on the Exchange server being protected. This may cause the consistency check to fail. Copy the following files from the installation folder of the Exchange server that you are protecting to "%FolderPath;"on the on DPM server.  ese.dll eseutil.exe  You must also ensure that you do not copy a 64-bit version of eseutil.exe to a 32-bit DPM server. The 32-bit version of eseutil.exe is available on the Exchange server setup DVD. You can also choose not to run Eseutil consistency check for this protection group, by deselecting the "Run Eseutil Consistency check" option. This is not recommended because it will not ensure that the protected Exchange data can be recovered.  Do you want to continue?
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