Monitors database connectivity from the SPF web servers. This is done by periodically making a test connection to the Service Provider Foundation database.
If this monitor is in error, then either the VMM management server is not available from the server, or the VMM management ...
If VirtualNetworkAdapter configuration is specified, the number of adapters has to match the number in the template or target ...
is not a valid Subscription Event State. Please specify between one of the following states: 'Migrated', 'Disabled', 'Deleted', ...
Microsoft Update offers security updates and other important updates for Windows and other Microsoft software, including ...
Monitors database connectivity from the SPF web servers. This is done by periodically making a test connection to the Service ...
Monitors the accessibility and operability of the VMM web interface from the SPF web servers. This is done by periodically ...
Monitors VMM management server connectivity from the SPF web servers. This is done by periodically making a test connection ...
More than one VMM servers are configured for this stamp {0}. Please ensure that each VMM server is configured for exactly ...
NewSCSPFEventRegistrationCmdlet::EndProcessing: An Orchestrator Event Registration with the resource name '{0}' and action ...