Dynamics AX 2009

  1. The quantity, in inventory units, that will remain back-ordered if the line is updated by using the quantity that is entered ...
  2. The Quarantine order %1 cannot be ended properly, because current pallet transport's ToLocation is Quarantine location." ...
  3. The query associated with role assignment rule %1 does not select users from the UserInfo table. The rule will be ignored. ...
  4. The query associated with this assignment rule selects all users. Select OK to save this rule or Cancel to cancel the operation ...
  5. The query cannot be used because the source document does not contain a legal entity field. You must add a legal entity field ...
  6. The query has changed and is not compatible with the form data source. The following artifacts are missing from the new query. ...
  7. The query string {0} is invalid. The valid format is 'SELECT fields FROM Query name]', where fields can be either '*' or ...
  8. The query string {0} is invalid. The valid format is SELECT fields FROM Report data provider name].[Report data table name]. ...
  9. The queue time before the operation can start. The queue time must be positive. You set up the field in the route group, ...
  10. The queue time before the operation can start. The queue time must be positive. You set up the field in the route group, ...
  11. The queue time following the time that the items must wait after the operation is finished, before the next operation can ...
  12. The queue time the items must wait after the operation is finished but before the next operation can start. The value in ...
  13. The quotation has not been linked to the opportunity. The opportunity directory ID does not match the directory ID in the ...
  14. The quotation remaining measurement is a calculated column and cannot be exported without amount columns that are based on ...
  15. The rates for this benefit enrollment do not match the rates on the benefit. Go to the benefit to update the rates on the ...
  16. The rates on the worker enrollments do not match the rates on this benefit. Click %1 to update the rates on the worker enrollments. ...
  17. The rates on the worker enrollments do not match the rates on this benefit. Click @SYP4470219 to update the rates on the ...
  18. The rates on the worker enrollments do not match the rates on this benefit. Click Update benefit rates to update the rates ...
  19. The ratio between the time it takes to process one transferrable batch in the process jobs and total runtime of the same ...
  20. The ratio of quantity to the service quantity base. The ratio is used to calculate the quantity that is required or delivered ...
  21. The ratio of sales to the value of fixed assets. This indicates how well the organization is using its fixed assets to generate ...
  22. The read-only modifier for attribute %1 on component %2 has an invalid expression '%3' starting at line %4, position %5: ...
  23. The Real-time Service call failed. This may be because of an unhandled exception or because Dynamics AX did not recognize ...
  24. The reason code entered against a quote when the quote is canceled due to its related list and corresponding prospects being ...
  25. The reason code for the cancellation, if a reason was entered when the deposit slip payment was canceled. You can enter or ...
  26. The reason code for the current collections status. The reason code is selected when the collections status is changed in ...
  27. The reason code for the reversal, if a reason code was entered when the check was reversed. You can enter or change the reason ...
  28. The reason comment for the current collections status. The reason comment is entered when the collections status is changed ...
  29. The reason description. If you select a reason code before you enter a reason comment, the default comment that is set up ...
  30. The reason for a protested bill of exchange. None, the reason is unknown. Not accepted, the customer did not accept the bill ...
  31. The reason that the message was generated. The following values are used: Info (an informational message that describes each ...
  32. The receipt quantity, based on the option that is selected in the Update field. You can change this quantity, but you cannot ...
  33. The recency unit tracks the unit of time that the recency number is in. Examples include: days, weeks, months, and years. ...
  34. The recommended settings for Internet Explorer ensure that you can access the Microsoft Dynamics 'AX 7' Technical Preview ...
  35. The recommended value for "max degree of parallelism" is implementation specific, but as a general rule, you should increase ...
  36. The record cannot be created because it already exists in either the Project accounting, Expense management, or Production ...
  37. The Record definition must be specified for the type 'Enumeration' or parent definition must be marked as 'Is enumeration' ...
  38. The record number does not comply with the original number. If the table uses entire table cache, this may be caused by the ...
  39. The record sequence number is automatically assigned by the application and is used to number records as they appear in the ...
  40. The recruitment project application deadline must be entered before the job ad can be published to the Recruiting Solution ...
  41. The recruitment project application deadline must occur in the future for the job ad to be published to the Recruiting Solution ...
  42. The recruitment project status should be set to Started before the job ad will be published to the Recruiting Solution for ...
  43. The reduction entry document can't be updated because the assets already have a reduction entry document asset and the subsidy ...
  44. The reduction entry document can't be updated for fixed assets %1, %2, and %3 because the assets already have a reduction ...
  45. The reference ID does not map to a valid entity key. Check the relationship metadata. Service: %1, DataSource: %2, Field: ...
  46. The reference ID maps to more than one entity key. Check the relationship metadata. Service: %1, DataSource: %2, Field: %3 ...
  47. The reference level that is assigned to the selected production. The reference level indicates the hierarchy of a production ...
  48. The reference table %1 was not found in the project. The parameterized query associated to the field %1.%2 was not imported. ...
  49. The reference to the consolidation opportunity. This field displays a value only if the purchase requisition line was added ...
  50. The reference to the matched record. On a stop job registration, this field will show the record ID of the corresponding ...
  51. The reference type based on the purpose of the batch order. For example, if the batch order is created to an order line, ...
  52. The referenced field %4.%3 does not exist or is disabled. The parameterized query associated to the field %1.%2 was not imported. ...
  53. The refund or the payment doesn't match the transaction. For refund amounts enter a negative number. For payment amounts ...
  54. The Register as empty setting is invalid. You can only use 'When the source requirement is registered' with kanban rules ...
  55. The register is already active on another device. If you continue with activation, pending or offline transactions that have ...
  56. The register is already active on another device. If you continue with activation, pending or offline transactions that haven't ...
  57. The register number that is used for EFT transactions. Retail populates this field automatically when the register is created. ...
  58. The registered quantity %1 and inventory quantity %2 cannot have opposing signs. Both must be either positive or negative. ...
  59. The registration number and account number on vendors bank account (%1) should be less than or equal to %2 characters in ...
  60. The registration number and account number on vendors bank account (%1) should be less than or equal to 17 characters in ...
  61. The relation %1 on the table %2 is not registered in the unit upgrade. Register an appropriate upgrade script and add it ...
  62. The relation is marked to be validated, but its referenced fields are not fully covered by a primary or alternate index on ...
  63. The relation under the extended data type (EDT) %1 must be migrated to a table relation. Consider using the EDT relation ...
  64. The relative URL for the list is null or is an empty string. Verify the KPI list properties that you are trying to import. ...
  65. The released product %1 is not associated with the product change case, although it may be impacted by the changes to the ...
  66. The released product %1 is not associated with the product change case, although it may be impacted by the changes to the ...
  67. The released product %1 is not included in or associated with a bill of materials, formula, or route as a finished product, ...
  68. The remaining amount can be carried forward only when the fiscal year is later than the project budget year. To carry the ...
  69. The remaining budget amounts for the projects that you retrieve can be reviewed, analyzed, and exported to Microsoft Excel ...
  70. The remaining financially updated quantity on the line is %1, but there are still %2 serial numbers financially updated. ...
  71. The remaining project budget amount cannot be carried forward to fiscal year %1 in the General ledger. Verify the year you ...
  72. The remaining quantity on the line is %1, but there are %2 serial numbers remaining to be financially updated. Please select ...
  73. The remaining quantity that was ordered, but that has not yet been delivered. This quantity does not include the quantity ...
  74. The remaining quantity that was ordered, but that has not yet been delivered. This quantity represents the ordered quantity ...
  75. The remaining quantity to be received at the destination warehouse. This quantity corresponds to the number of items that ...