Dynamics AX 2009

  1. The budget code must have a budget type of Original budget, Revision,Transfer, Encumbrance, Pre-encumbrance, or Carry-forward ...
  2. The budget codes that you entered cannot be used because they are for the incorrect budget type. You can set up new codes ...
  3. The budget codes that you selected cannot be used because they are associated with a workflow. You can set up new codes that ...
  4. The budget control configuration cannot be activated because budget control rules have not been defined. You must define ...
  5. The budget control configuration cannot be activated because of a change in the ledger. You must define the parameters for ...
  6. The budget control configuration changed while you were modifying account structure %1. Modify the budget control configuration ...
  7. The budget control configuration draft will become active. When you turn on budget control, the active configuration takes ...
  8. The budget control configuration is currently in an active state. Would you like to create a draft before downloading the ...
  9. The budget control configuration must be activated before enabling budget control. Define and activate the budget control ...
  10. The budget control dimension you are attempting to remove is in use within budget control rules and/or budget groups. Removing ...
  11. The budget control framework does not support documents within the source document framework that have a Canceled status. ...
  12. The budget cycle time span is not in use within budget control. Are you sure you want to delete the budget cycle time span? ...
  13. The budget fiscal year does not fall within start and end dates of the budget cycle %1 assigned to the budget planning process. ...
  14. The budget fiscal year does not occur within the start and end dates of the budget cycle %1 that is assigned to the budget ...
  15. The budget model from the budget register entry. If you are creating a transfer from a source document or journal, select ...
  16. The budget plan could not be created because the budget planning stage does not include any rules. Contact the budget planning ...
  17. The budget plan layout element can't be deleted because it is being used in budget planning process stage rules. Remove the ...
  18. The budget plan line could not be added because of a rule in the budget planning process. Contact the budget planning administrator ...
  19. The budget plan line could not be added because the budget planning process does not allow new ledger accounts or new dates. ...
  20. The budget plan line could not be removed because of a rule in the budget planning workflow. Contact the budget planning ...
  21. The budget plan line could not be updated because of a rule in the budget planning process. Contact the budget planning administrator ...
  22. The budget plan lines could not be aggregated. The budget plan layout contains an element that is not editable for destination ...
  23. The budget plan lines could not be aggregated. The destination budget plan scenario for the current stage does not have a ...
  24. The budget plan lines could not be aggregated. The source budget plan scenario for the current stage does not have a scenario ...
  25. The budget plan lines could not be allocated. The destination budget plan scenario has a layout element that is not editable. ...
  26. The budget plan lines could not be distributed because the destination budget plan does not have associated budget plans. ...
  27. The budget plan lines could not be distributed because the source budget plan does not have associated budget plans. Create ...
  28. The budget plan lines could not be distributed. For this budget planning stage, there are scenario constraints that are not ...
  29. The budget plan lines could not be distributed. For this budget planning stage, there are scenario constraints that are not ...
  30. The budget plan lines could not be distributed. For this budget planning stage, there are scenario constraints that are not ...
  31. The budget plan preparer that you selected does not have access to the budget planning process for the following responsibility ...
  32. The budget plan priority cannot be used with the budget planning process that you selected. Select a different budget plan ...
  33. The budget plan scenario cannot be modified because it is included in a budget plan line. Delete the line that includes the ...
  34. The budget planning process could not be deleted because one or more budget plans are associated with it. Remove the associated ...
  35. The budget planning purpose cannot be removed from the organization hierarchy because the purpose is used by an active budget ...
  36. The budget planning stage cannot be updated. A budget planning process is using the following budget planning workflow: %1. ...
  37. The budget transfer was entered successfully and submitted to workflow. It can be reviewed in the Budget register entry details ...
  38. The budget was updated successfully for %1 budget register entries. The budget was not updated for %2 budget register entries. ...
  39. The BudgetControlStatisticsView view contains the summarized view of the budget control tracking data used for inquiring ...
  40. The budgeting organization %1 that you selected is not included in the budgeting organization hierarchy for the budget planning ...
  41. The budgeting organization cannot be assigned because the budgeting organization is not a child of the %1 parent budgeting ...
  42. The BudgetPlanAttachmentDirectory table contains the user defined folder locations where budget planning templates are stored. ...
  43. The BudgetPlanColumnRule table stores all the advanced filter values used to filter the budget plan line records to aggregate ...
  44. The BudgetPlanCurrencyConversionTmpTableDocumenation table is used to hold the values for rate multipliers of different combinations ...
  45. The BudgetPlanElementDefinition table holds the row and column fields' definition. This includes the field names and the ...
  46. The BudgetPlanElementDefinitionTranslation table stores all the translated names and descriptions for the BudgetPlanElementDefinition ...
  47. The BudgetPlanLayoutElement table contains the constraints for each column that will be displayed in a particular budget ...
  48. The BudgetPlanLayoutMapping table contains a layout's elements and the target BudgetPlanLineActiveView table field mapping. ...
  49. The BudgetPlanLineActiveView table contains the summarized view of plan document lines for an associated plan header and ...
  50. The BudgetPlanLineActiveViewDetail table is a junction table between the BudgetPlanLine and BudgetPlanLineActiveView tables. ...
  51. The BudgetPlanLineActiveViewDetailStatus table stores the links to the BudgetPlanLineActiveView records that need their details ...
  52. The BudgetPlanLineBudgetTransactionLineLink table is a relation table between budget plan line and budget transaction table. ...
  53. The BudgetPlanLineHierarchyViewSummaryTmp table is used to hold the summary values for amounts and quantities group by bugdet ...
  54. The BudgetPlanLineSource table contains the reference to asset, proposed assets, project, proposed project, and position ...
  55. The BudgetPlanningProcessAdministration table associates a budget planning process and a budget planning workflow to an internal ...
  56. The BudgetPlanningProcessTranslation table stores all the translated names and descriptions for the BudgetPlanningProcess ...
  57. The BudgetPlanningRuleAssignment table contains rules that specify the additional entry requirements for the financial dimensions ...
  58. The BudgetPlanningStageAllocation table contains the fields to associate BudgetPlanningAllocationSchedule table to BudgetPlanningStageAllocation ...
  59. The BudgetPlanningWorkflow table contains a user defined workflow name and an associated workflow to be used by the budget ...
  60. The BudgetPlanningWorkflowTranslation table stores all the translated names and descriptions for BudgetPlanningWorkflow table. ...
  61. The BudgetPlanningWorkspaceParametersDevDoc table contains user-specific attributes that relate to budget planning workspace. ...
  62. The BudgetPlanOrganizationHierarchyBudgetPlanningStageTmp table is used to hold the summarized information for count of budget ...
  63. The BudgetPlanOrganizationHierarchyBudgetPlansTmp table is used to hold the summarized information for document numbers and ...
  64. The BudgetPlanOrganizationHierarchySummaryTmpDocumenation table is used to hold the summarized values for amounts and quantities ...
  65. The BudgetPlanOrganizationHierarchyWorkflowStatusTmp table is used to hold the summarized information for count of different ...
  66. The BudgetPlanScenarioEstimatePart table contains the summary of budget plan estimate records per budget plan line by the ...
  67. The BudgetPlanTemplate table contains budget planning template information including location, file name, and template type. ...
  68. The BudgetSourceTrackingDetailClosing table contains the associated BudgetSourceTrackingDetail record to be flagged as a ...
  69. The BudgetTmpControlStatisticsByDimension table contains the summarized budget control tracking data by dimension combination ...
  70. The BudgetTransactionLineClosing table contains the associated BudgetTransactionLine record to be flagged as a closing entry ...
  71. The BusdgetAnalysisLevelCount_PSN view does a count of records in the DimensionAttributeLevelValue by DimensionAttributeValueGroup. ...
  72. The Business intelligence components enable Microsoft Dynamics 'AX 7' Technical Preview to provide business data to Microsoft ...
  73. The buyer group for the planned order. This information is retrieved first from the supplier and then from the item. When ...
  74. The byte sequence %1 at position %2 in file %3 is not valid in codepage %4. The Unicode substitution character U+FFFD was ...
  75. The Calculate total from multiple dimension values option has been selected for following dimension value: %1. The dimension ...