SQL Server 2012

  1. Component "%1!s!" (%2!d!) has been removed from the Data Flow task because its output is not used and its inputs either have ...
  2. Component "%1!s!" could not be created and returned error code 2!8.8X! "%3!s!". Make sure that the component is registered ...
  3. Component "%1!s!" could not be created and returned error code 2!8.8X!. Make sure that the component is registered correctly. ...
  4. Component '%1!s!' is outside of allowed range. Maximum for 'fractionDigits' is 10 and maximum number of digits for non fractional ...
  5. Component ID {0} is not valid. Valid components include Database Engine, Analysis Services, Reporting Services and Integration ...
  6. Component Services (COM+ 1.0) are not installed on this computer. This installation requires Component Services in order ...
  7. Component with name "{0}" and class ID "{1}" could not be created because a module it uses could not be found. Verify that ...
  8. Component with name "{0}" and class ID "{1}" could not be created because an error was encountered during its upgrade to ...
  9. Component with name "{0}" and class ID "{1}" could not be created because it was built with a version newer than the one ...
  10. Component {0} has no inputs, or all of its inputs are already connected to other outputs. You may be able to edit the component ...
  11. Compressing tables with sparse columns or column sets is not supported by the stored procedure sp_estimate_data_compression_savings. ...
  12. Compression for the '%{IMBITableId/}' table completed in '%d{steps/}' steps with '%d{clusters/}' clusters computed in total. ...
  13. Compression for the '%{IMBITableId/}' table completed in '%d{steps/}' steps with '%d{clusters/}' clusters computed in total. ...
  14. Computed column '%1!s!' cannot be used as full-text type column for image or varbinary(MAX) column. This computed column ...
  15. Computed column '%1!s!' cannot be used for full-text search because it is nondeterministic or imprecise nonpersisted computed ...
  16. Computed column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' cannot be persisted because the column type, '%3!s!', is a non-byte-ordered CLR ...
  17. Computed column cannot be used as a partition key if it is not persisted. Partition key column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is ...
  18. Computed columns and CLR types cannot be checked for object ID %1!s! (object "%2!s!") because the internal expression evaluator ...
  19. Computer {0} does not exist on the network, or the computer cannot be configured remotely. Verify that the remote computer ...
  20. Computing the expression "%1!s!" failed with error code 2!8.8X!. The expression may have errors, such as divide by zero, ...
  21. Com[mandFile filespec Optional. Loads a text file that contains additional dtexec command options, prior to package execution. ...
  22. Conducts the Process operation on a specific Partition of a specific database having a specific Cube name and a MeasureGroup ...
  23. Configuration block version %1!s! is not a valid version number. SQL Server is exiting. Restore the master database or reinstall. ...
  24. Configuration data for the availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID '%1!s!' is not found ...
  25. Configuration failure. This is a generic warning for all configuration types. Other warnings should precede this with more ...
  26. Configuration registry key "%1!s!" was not found. A configuration entry specifies a registry key that is not available. Check ...
  27. Configure a URL to access Report Manager. Click Advanced to define multiple URLs, or to specify additional parameters on ...
  28. Configure a URL used to access the Report Server. Click Advanced to define multiple URLs for a single Report Server instance, ...
  29. Configure Database Mail for the Master Data Services database. After a profile is created, you must use SQL Server Management ...
  30. Configure parameter bindings for the child package. Note: Parameters from externally referenced child packages are ignored. ...
  31. Configure peer nodes and peer connections. To specify configuration options, right-click a node, a connection, or the design ...
  32. Configure the file connection properties to reference a group of files and directories that exist or are created at run time. ...
  33. Configure the properties required to perform file system operations, such as creating, moving, or deleting files or directories. ...
  34. Configure the properties that identify the DDL statements to use and the Analysis Services connection used to submit those ...
  35. Configure the properties to divide the transformation input into a sample and a leftovers output, using a percentage to specify ...
  36. Configure the properties to train data mining models by passing the data that the destination receives to data mining model ...
  37. Configure the properties used run to a WMI Query Language (WQL) query that returns Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) ...
  38. Configure the properties used to apply string operations to columns with character data. Place the operation result in a ...
  39. Configure the properties used to convert the data type of an input column to a different data type. Depending on the data ...
  40. Configure the properties used to divide the transformation input into a sample and a leftovers output, using a number to ...
  41. Configure the properties used to extract terms from an input column by identifying nouns and noun phrases that appear in ...
  42. Configure the properties used to import text files into a SQL Server table. You cannot validate, clean, or transform data ...
  43. Configure the properties used to join two sources of sorted data. Select the join type and then specify the columns to be ...
  44. Configure the properties used to look up values in a reference table and learn the frequency that terms appear in a dataset. ...
  45. Configure the properties used to perform a lookup operation between an input dataset and a reference dataset using a best-match ...
  46. Configure the properties used to perform group by operations and to calculate aggregate values. Optionally, apply comparison ...
  47. Configure the properties used to send and receive files from an FTP server and to manage directories and files on local and ...
  48. Configure the properties used to send or receive string, variable, and data file messages when executing an SSIS package. ...
  49. Configure Web Synchronization wizard cannot be launched. Install SQL Server Compact 3.5 Query Tools (SSCESqlWbTools.msi) ...
  50. Configures Extended Protection for Authentication for the SQL Server Database Engine. When set to Off, Extended Protection ...
  51. Configures the environment settings to closely match SQL Server 2008 R2. This option provides an experience that might already ...
  52. Configures the environment settings to closely match Visual Studio 2010. This option provides shortcuts that are designed ...
  53. Configures the SQL e-mail service. SQLIMAILWIZARD -S server_name (-U user_name -P password]) | -E -S Specifies the server ...
  54. Configuring running state of the SQL Server Browser service to Stopped. Stopping SQL Server Browser service '{0}', and waiting ...
  55. Confirm the password for the user account. This is the password that was assigned to the user account in Local Users and ...
  56. Confirms that an ESCSI host adapter configuration issue or a malfunctioning device error (Event ID 1066) does not exist in ...
  57. Confirms that only members of sysadmins fixed server role can execute CmdExec and ActiveX Script job steps. Applies only ...
  58. Confirms that only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can execute CmdExec and ActiveX Script job steps. Applies only ...
  59. Confirms that the current database has no suspect database pages. A database page is set as suspect by error 824, which indicates ...
  60. Confirms that the maximum worker threads server option value is set to the recommended value for instances of SQL Server ...
  61. Confirms that the maximum worker threads server option value is set to the recommended value for instances of SQL Server ...
  62. Confirms that the maximum worker threads server option value is set to the recommended value for instances of SQL Server ...
  63. Confirms that the same CPUs are not enabled with both the affinity mask option and the affinity I/O mask option, which can ...
  64. Confirms that the symmetric key is the Service Master Key. The Service Master Key is the root of the SQL Server encryption ...
  65. Conflicting authentication modes have been specified. Please specify either Integrated Authentication or User Name/Password. ...
  66. Conflicting file relocations have been specified for file '%1!s!'. Only a single WITH MOVE clause should be specified for ...
  67. Conflicting locking hints are specified for table "%1!s!". This may be caused by a conflicting hint specified for a view. ...
  68. Conflicts occurred while synchronizing the data and were resolved according to defined rules. Contact your system administrator ...
  69. Conflicts occurred while synchronizing the data and were resolved according to defined rules. Do you want to view the conflicts? ...
  70. Conf[igFile filespec Optional. Sets a run-time configuration that is different from the configuration that was specified ...
  71. Connect to an Analysis Services project to refer to the project at design time. At run time, the SSIS package will connect ...
  72. Connect using the credentials saved in Secure Store Service (SSS) to log on to the data source. Enter the ID used to look ...
  73. Connecting to a SQL Server instance using the MultiSubnetFailover connection option is only supported when using the TCP ...
  74. Connecting to the Analysis Services database using connection manager '{0}' failed. Verify that the connection manager is ...
  75. Connecting to the Integration Services service on the computer "%1!s!" failed with the following error: "%2!s!" By default, ...