System Center Operations Manager 2012

  1. The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is still not healthy. However, the OpsMgr ...
  2. The health service blocked access to the non-windows credential with ID %2 because it is not authorized on management group ...
  3. The health service blocked access to the windows credential %1\%2 because it is not authorized on management group %3. You ...
  4. The Health Service cannot find the credential for the action account for management group %1. Monitoring will be significantly ...
  5. The Health Service cannot verify the future validity of the RunAs account %1\%2 for management group %5 due to an error retrieving ...
  6. The Health Service cannot verify the future validity of the RunAs account %1\%2 for management group %5. The error is %3(%4). ...
  7. The Health Service could not log on the RunAs account %1\%2 for management group %3 because it has not been granted the "%4" ...
  8. The Health Service could not log on the RunAs account %1\%2 for management group %5. The error is %3(%4). This will prevent ...
  9. The Health Service encountered a fatal error from ESE indicating that the database was corrupt. The error code was %1. The ...
  10. The Health Service encountered an error %5 causing the rule "%2" running for instance "%3" with id:"%4" in management group ...
  11. The Health Service has defaulted to using the action account for RunAs Profile %1 because it did not receive any information ...
  12. The Health Service has deleted one or more items for management group "%1" which could not be delivered after %2 attempts. ...
  13. The Health Service has downloaded a new account in management group %1, but the password is blank. The Health Service does ...
  14. The Health Service has downloaded new configuration for management group %1, and that configuration has specified a new action ...
  15. The Health Service has downloaded secure configuration for management group %1, and processing the configuration failed with ...
  16. The Health Service has published the public key %2 used to send it secure messages to management group %1. This message only ...
  17. The health service has removed some items from the send queue for management group "%1" since it exceeded the maximum allowed ...
  18. The health service on %1 is attempting to communicate with a management group that does not exist on this server. The management ...
  19. The Health Service only supports running as the local system user account. The service was configured to run under a different ...
  20. The health service received a credential from management group %1 to run a task with, but the credential has a blank password ...
  21. The Health Service received a malformed data item. The origin of the item could not be determined. Multiple occurrences of ...
  22. The Health Service received a malformed data item. This item was received on management group %2 from health service %1. ...
  23. The Health Service received a secure message from management group %1 which was encrypted using the wrong public key. This ...
  24. The Health Service successfully retrieved policy from Active Directory. However, that policy is corrupt and has been discarded. ...
  25. The Health Service was detected that the private key for secure data processing has been removed or is invalid. The certificate ...
  26. The Health Service was unable to publish its public key to management group %1 and will be unable to receive secure messages ...
  27. The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected components. You can remove files ...
  28. The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features. You can remove files ...
  29. The host name specified for the {0} configuration is invalid. Contact the SharePoint administrator to update the web.config ...
  30. The HTTP Url Monitoring Module could not create a http session: Error: %5 One or more workflows were affected by this. Workflow ...
  31. The HTTP URL Monitoring Module detected that a backlog of processing has happened. It might be an indication of too many ...
  32. The HTTP URL Monitoring Module was unable to create a request for the following URL: URL: %5 Error: %6 One or more workflows ...
  33. The icon next to the feature name indicates the install state of the feature. Click the icon to drop down the install state ...
  34. The Install Wizard has successfully installed Visual Studio Add-In for Operations Manager. Click Finish to exit the wizard. ...
  35. The Install Wizard has successfully uninstalled Visual Studio Add-In for Operations Manager. Click Finish to exit the wizard. ...
  36. The installation of this agent is still in progress. If a computer remains in this state for an extended period of time, ...
  37. The installation wizard will install the System Center 2012 - Operations Manager agent on your computer. To continue, close ...
  38. The installation wizard will install the System Center 2012 - Operations Manager gateway server on your computer. To continue, ...
  39. The installation wizard will upgrade Operations Manager 2007 R2 on your computer. To continue, close all other programs and ...
  40. The installation wizard will upgrade System Center 2012 - Operations Manager Gateway on your computer. To continue, close ...
  41. The installation wizard will upgrade System Center 2012 - Operations Manager on your computer. To continue, close all other ...
  42. The installation wizard will upgrade the System Center 2012 - Operations Manager Agent on your computer. To continue, close ...
  43. The installed version of SQL Server is not supported. Verify that the computer and installed version of SQL Server meet the ...
  44. The installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory: 2]. The installation cannot continue. Log on as an administrator ...
  45. The installer must restart your system before configuration of 2 can continue. Click Yes to restart now or No if you plan ...
  46. The item you are trying to delete cannot be deleted because another object references it. The object must be deleted before ...
  47. The keypair that the health service uses to receive secure messages is expiring on %1. The health service will be recycled ...
  48. The last timed-out query has succeeded. Subscription ID: %5 Service name: %6 Deployment slot: %7 Role name: %8 Storage account: ...
  49. The LDAP query returned no results. This may be expected, or may indicate a bad configuration Domain: %5 Query: %6 One or ...
  50. The limit for the total number of collected functions in the event has been reached. Some functions may not be collected. ...
  51. The Log file folder location does not contain enough disk space for a database of this size. The required disk space for ...
  52. The Management Group %1 failed to start. The error message is %2(%3). A previous message with more detail may have been logged. ...
  53. The Management Group %1 found in Active Directory has not been approved on this Health Service and will not be started. To ...
  54. The Management Group %1 has no configured parents and most monitoring tasks cannot be performed. This can happen if a management ...
  55. The Management Group %1 which was originally discovered via Active Directory has been removed from Active Directory and will ...
  56. The management group cannot be upgraded when Operations Manager 2007 R2 features are present. Upgrade the features to System ...
  57. The management group name cannot contain a leading or trailing space, and it cannot contain the following characters: ( ) ...
  58. The management group name cannot contain the following characters:, ( ) ^ ~ : ; . ! ? " , ' ` @ # % \ / + = $ | < > { }, ...
  59. The Management Pack for the discovered '{0}' system is imported, however the corresponding agent does not exist on the targeted ...
  60. The management server could not be deleted because it is hosting the RMS Emulator role. At the Operations Manager Shell prompt, ...
  61. The management server could not be deleted because some devices are reporting to it. Reassign all devices to a different ...
  62. The Management server has been uninstalled. To remove references to this Management server from the operational databases, ...
  63. The Management Server name is either blank or contains special characters. The Management Server name should not contain ...
  64. The Management Server uses the Management Server Action Account to gather operational data from providers, to run responses, ...
  65. The Management Server uses the SDK Account to log on to the SC database server. It is recommended that you do not use the ...
  66. The Management Server you specify here will be used to collect and forward error reports and Customer Experience Improvement ...
  67. The Microsoft Management Pack Catalog Web Service cannot be contacted at this time. There is either a problem with your Internet ...
  68. The Microsoft Operations Manager Computation Module could not convert the received value to the requested type. Property ...
  69. The Microsoft Operations Manager Computation Module could not initialize properly. The passed in expression could be invalid. ...
  70. The Microsoft Operations Manager Computation Module could not parse a regular expression provided for filtering. Expression: ...
  71. The Microsoft Operations Manager Computation Module could not parse a wildcard expression provided for filtering. Expression: ...
  72. The Microsoft Operations Manager Computation Module failed to evaluate the date time expression because the passed in property ...
  73. The Microsoft Operations Manager Computation Module failed to process a data item and dropped it. Error: %5 One or more workflows ...
  74. The Microsoft Operations Manager Computation Module failed to query the delivered item, item was dropped. Property Expression: ...
  75. The Microsoft Operations Manager Computation Module failed with an arithmetic division by zero error. Operation Summary: ...