Exchange Server 2016
- Associate this connector with the following Hub Transport servers. Alternatively, you can add Edge Subscriptions to this ...
- At '%8' a database 'Data' divergence was detected for database '%1' from an unknown cause. You should drain all mailboxes ...
- At '%8' a database 'TooNew' copy divergence was detected for database '%1'. Typically this is due to a database write operation ...
- At '%8' a database 'TooOld' copy divergence was detected for database '%1'. Typically this is due to a database write operation ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to be inconsistent with the active database copy or possibly corrupted. ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a configuration error. The problem may also result from a storage ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a configuration error. The problem may also result from a storage ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a greater load than it can support. Consult the Event log on the ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a greater load than it can support.To help identify the specific ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious error which has caused it to (at least temporarily) terminate ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious error which has caused it to (at least temporarily) terminate ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious error which is unlikely to be resolved by a failover. ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious error which is unlikely to be resolved by a failover. ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious I/O error. To help identify the specific failure, consult ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious I/O error. To help identify the specific failure, consult ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have an I/O error that it may be able to repair. To help identify the ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have run out of disk space. Consult the Event log on the server for ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have run out of disk space. For more detail about the failure, consult ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server detected a Hung IO and enforced process termination. To help identify the specific ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server detected a Hung IO and logged an event. To help identify the specific failure, ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server detected a Hung IO and logged an event. To help identify the specific failure, ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server detected a Hung IO that would enforce process termination. To help identify the ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server detected corruption in the active copy of the database. To help identify the specific ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server detected corruption in the active copy of the database. To help identify the specific ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server detected file system corruption. To help identify the specific failure, consult ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server detected file system corruption. To help identify the specific failure, consult ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server detected Hung IOs across multiple disks. To help identify the specific failure, ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server exceeded the configured maximum database size and service recovery was not attempted. ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server exceeded the configured maximum database size and service recovery was not attempted. ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server exceeded the configured maximum database size and service recovery was not attempted. ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server ran low on disk space. The copy was suspended. Automatic reseed should repair the ...
- At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server timed out on one or more Hung IOs. To help identify the specific failure, consult ...
- At '%8' the active copy of database '%1' on this server could not initialize a critical replication component. The failover ...
- At '%8' the active copy of database '%1' on this server could not initialize a critical replication component. The failover ...
- At '%8' the active copy of database '%1' on this server failed due to a bitlocker-locked volume. A successful failover restored ...
- At '%8' the active copy of database '%1' on this server failed due to a bitlocker-locked volume. The attempt to failover ...
- At '%8' the Automatic Reseed Manager attempted to promote active database '%1' copy to requiring a seed to a spare volume. ...
- At '%8' the Automatic Reseed Manager attempted to promote passive database '%1' copy to requiring a seed to a spare volume. ...
- At '%8' the Automatic Reseed Manager promoted active database '%1' copy to requiring a seed to a spare volume. For more details ...
- At '%8' the Automatic Reseed Manager promoted passive database '%1' copy to requiring a seed to a spare volume. For more ...
- At '%8' the copy of '%1' on this server experienced an error that requires it be reseeded. For more detail about this failure, ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server appears to be experiencing performance issues, possibly as a result of storage ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server didn't mount because the number of mailbox database copies on this server ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered a serious I/O error that may have affected all copies of the ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered a serious I/O error that may have affected all copies of the ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered a serious I/O error that may have affected all copies of the ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered an error during the mount operation. For more details about ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered an error that caused the database to be dismounted. Consult ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered an error that couldn't be automatically repaired. For more detail ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered an error that couldn't be automatically repaired. The error ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server experienced a performance problem. Failover returned the following error: ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server experienced an error that requested reseeding. This request is not valid ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server experienced an error that requires it be reseeded. The Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server was unexpectedly dismounted. The error returned by failover was "%7". For ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server wasn't able to mount because the number of mailbox database copies on this ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server wasn't able to operate because the number of mailbox database copies on ...
- At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server wasn't able to operate because the number of mailbox database copies on ...
- At '%8' the database copy '%1' on this server could not run IncrementalReseed. The copy was suspended. Automatic reseed should ...
- At '%8' the Exchange Information Store Database '%1' copy on this server encountered an error. Consult the event log on the ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server appears to be inconsistent with the active database copy or ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server appears to be inconsistent with the active database copy or ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server appears to have failed due to insufficient memory. For more ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server appears to have failed due to insufficient memory. For more ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server appears to have failed due to insufficient memory. The error ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server could not be reached for periodic status check. For more details ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server could not be reached for periodic status check. For more details ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server could not be reached for periodic status check. The failover ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server detected a Hung IO and logged an event. For more details about ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server detected a Hung IO and logged an event. For more details about ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server detected a Hung IO that would enforce store process termination. ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server detected a Hung IO that would enforce store process termination. ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server detected corruption on the active copy of the database. To help ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server detected file system corruption. For more details about the ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server detected file system corruption. For more details about the ...
- At '%8' the Exchange store database '%1' copy on this server detected Hung IOs across multiple disks. For more details about ...