Schema validation of the customizations.xml file within the compressed solution package file failed. To manually validate and edit the file, you can download the schema file {0} and use an XML editor that supports schema validation to get more details.
Schedule bulk copy and upgrade script tasks to upgrade the data in all company accounts. Make sure upgrade preprocessing ...
Schedules which are tied to items cannot be deleted. In order to proceed, either delete the item associated with this schedule, ...
Schedules which are tied to items cannot be made inactive. In order to proceed, either delete the item associated with this ...
Scheduling Microsoft Dynamics 365 Service Activities is not supported in Offline mode. Please go online if you would like ...
Schema validation of the customizations.xml file within the compressed solution package file failed. To manually validate ...
Sealing cannot be performed. Your license does not permit you to modify the fin.stx file. Contact your system administrator ...
Search all the records of one type for duplicate records. Duplicate detection rules are defined in the Settings area and ...
Search cannot determine which page to open because metadata has not been specified for the item that you selected. You must ...
Search for and select the campaign record if this lead was generated as a result of a campaign that was created in Microsoft ...