This message has been dropped because the service contract name exceeds the maximum size of %1!s! bytes. Contract name "%2!s!". Message origin: "%3!s!".
This message could not be delivered because the user with ID %1!s! in database ID %2!s! does not have control permission ...
This message could not be delivered because the user with ID %1!s! in database ID %2!s! does not have permission to send ...
This message has been dropped because the FROM broker instance exceeds the maximum size of %1!s! bytes. Broker instance: ...
This message has been dropped because the FROM service name exceeds the maximum size of %1!s! bytes. Service name: "%2!s!". ...
This message has been dropped because the service contract name exceeds the maximum size of %1!s! bytes. Contract name "%2!s!". ...
This message has been dropped because the TO service could not be found. Service name: "%1!s!". Message origin: "%2!s!". ...
This message has been dropped because the TO service name exceeds the maximum size of %1!s! bytes. Service name: "%2!s!". ...
This message has been dropped because the user does not have permission to access the target database. Database ID: %1!s!. ...
This method is faster, but requires the source database to go offline. It is best for upgrading databases or moving very ...