The module manifest member 'NestedModules' cannot be used if the 'ModuleToProcess' member is a binary module. Edit the module manifest file at '{0}', and then try again.
The module encountered an invalid parameter or a valid parameter with an invalid value or an expected module parameter is ...
The module encountered an invalid parameter or a valid parameter with an invalid value, or an expected module parameter was ...
The module manifest '{0}' could not be processed because it is not a valid Windows PowerShell restricted language file. Remove ...
The module manifest cannot contain both the 'ModuleToProcess' and 'RootModule' members. Change the module manifest file to ...
The module manifest member 'NestedModules' cannot be used if the 'ModuleToProcess' member is a binary module. Edit the module ...
The module manifest path '{0}' is not valid. The value of the Path argument must resolve to a single file that has a '.psd1' ...
The module name property inside the resource %1!s! is undefined. Please regenerate the mof using a corresponding powershell ...
The module to process '{0}', listed in field '{1}' of module manifest '{2}' was not processed because no valid module was ...
The module version {0} for module {1} is not in a valid format. Please use a module version with any of the following formats ...