It is also possible that you do not have the appropriate permissions to delete messages. If you need to delete content from a folder owned by someone else, contact the owner of the folder to obtain the necessary permissions, or have the owner delete the content for you.
issues were found that could result in unwanted behavior or missing data.@Do you want to cancel the wizard and review the ...
It contains a control that uses the following expression that sets the value of a field only available on the server: {0} ...
It is advised to have a separate dedicated Web application and separate URL domain to host the My Site Host and individual ...
It is also possible that the file extension for the file is no longer recognized by the Open With feature of the operating ...
It is also possible that you do not have the appropriate permissions to delete messages. If you need to delete content from ...
It is bound to a field or group ({0}) used in the following expression that sets the value of a field only available on the ...
It is bound to a field or group ({0}) used in the following expression: {1}. This expression involves groups that have children ...
It is highly recommended that you password protect this section. To password protect a section, on the File menu, click Password ...
It is important that email address you provide is the same email address associated with this person's Windows Live login. ...