Description: Displays the WDS properties of all prestaged devices. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Get-AllDevices /Server: /Forest:{Yes ...

Description: Displays the WDS properties of all prestaged devices.

WDSUTIL [Options]
        [/Forest:{Yes | No}]

        The name of the WDS server. This server will process the
        device management operations and return the results.

[/Forest:{Yes | No}]
        Specifies whether the information should include the entire
        forest or only the local domain. When /Forest is not specified
        the result will depend on the active device controller. Please
        consult the documentation of the active device controller for
        more information.

        Displays only those devices that are prestaged for the
        specified WDS server.

WDSUTIL /Get-AllDevices

WDSUTIL /Get-AllDevices /Server:WDSServer1

WDSUTIL /Verbose /Get-AllDevices /Forest:Yes /ReferralServer:MyWDSServer