Your password must be at least seven characters long and contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals or punctuation.
Your administrator has completed the software upgrade on the server %s. You can now safely restart the programs you closed ...
Your administrator is about to upgrade software on the server %s. Your network connections to the server will be closed in ...
Your current Windows logon ID does not have local administrator's rights on the SQL Server %s. Local administrator's rights ...
Your logon account does not have access rights to domain %s. You must have user rights to the service account domain in order ...
Your password must be at least seven characters long and contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals ...
Your preferred method of installing clients will vary depending on your environment and business requirements. You can use ...
Your preferred method of installing clients will vary depending on your environment and business requirements. You can use ...
Your site is currently a child site of site %s. For the upgrade to work properly, you must upgrade the parent site first ...
Your site is currently a child site of site %s. It is recommended that you detach from the parent site before uninstalling. ...