Unable to resolve stored credentials for report snapshot upgrade. Snapshots cannot be taken of the report until the scheduling wizard is run again. Report name: {0}, User name: {1}
Unable to rename %1 %2. The application object is checked out. Select Undo checkout to discard your changes or change the ...
Unable to reserve the SQL Server Reporting Services URL {0} for application {1}. Make sure that SQL Server Reporting Services ...
Unable to resolve orphan EntityInstance (RetailChannelTable) for DimensionAttributeValue(s) with RecId(s) %1]. All DimensionAttributeValues ...
Unable to resolve related entity for report upgrade. The entity may have been added then deleted without updating the report ...
Unable to resolve stored credentials for report snapshot upgrade. Snapshots cannot be taken of the report until the scheduling ...
Unable to retrieve dimension. Method %1 must be a public, non-static method that takes no parameters that returns an array ...
Unable to retrieve sales tax information for this write off transaction. Multiple customer transactions exist with the same ...
Unable to retrieve some information for this report. Please refresh the page and contact support for additional help if the ...
Unable to retrieve surrogate FK display values from provided Query. Ensure that the Query has been executed by a QueryRun. ...